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Addressing Diabetes, Heart Health Go Hand-in-Hand for American Heart Month

By Dr. Edleen Sarette-Exama, DNP, MSN RN, Care Coordinator, VNS Health Health Plans  Bronx Voice  February 18, 2025 BRONX - While February is Heart Health Month, given the statistics, heart health should really be a priority all year long.  In New York State alone, almost 18% of adults 65 and older report they have some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and 27% of all deaths are the result of CVD. And here’s another alarming fact: While many factors can increase the chances of cardiovascular disease and stroke, people with diabetes have twice the chance of developing CVD compared to the population as a whole. As a registered nurse and care manager at the home- and community-based health care nonprofit VNS Health, I work with individuals who often suffer from multiple chronic illnesses. Diabetes in particular is  common, especially among people of color. Diabetes is a challenging disease to manage, and it can fee...

Earthquake, Eclipse, what's Next - Bronx Residents Ask

End of Days or Just Another Set of Hiccups?

Observing his first solar eclipse is "Danbi" a Welsh Corgi watching the eclipse with family along Van Nest Avenue in Morris Park on April 8. -Photo by Alexis Cayman

Observing his first solar eclipse is "Danbi" a Welsh Corgi watching the eclipse with family along Van Nest Avenue in Morris Park on April 8. -Photo by Alexis Cayman

By David Greene 

Bronx Voice 

April 15, 2024

BRONX - After an incredible few days where a measurable earthquake centered in New Jersey shook many New Yorkers and a solar eclipse stopped many in their tracks-- many New Yorkers are most certainly asking what's next?

Moments after the 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck on April 5, a security guard at Monroe College on Jerome Avenue, described it saying, "It was a quick jolt." Students of the school were huddled around a large screen television watching the latest information as it was reported. Many had cell phones in their hands.

In Kingsbridge Heights, Maria Acosta recalled, "I was on my bed and it was moving right - left, right - left. for maybe like 50 seconds."

On April 8, a crowd estimated at 350 gathered at Seton Park in Riverdale as the Spuyten Duyvil Public Library gave out an estimated 350 pairs of special eyeglasses to view the eclipse.

Spuyten Duyvil resident Jerry Kisslinger was one of those who waited in the long line and grabbed a pair of glasses at the last minute. He told the Bronx Voice, "We're all here, just look at this gathering and what a great reason for people to gather."

Grace, the information assistant at the Spuyten Duyvil Public Library said that since March 25 the library had given out a total of 2,450 solar eclipse glasses.

As she watched the eclipse with the crowd, Grace was asked if they had expected such a crowd in the park that sits behind the library, she replied, "No, we did not expect this large a crowd."


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