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Addressing Diabetes, Heart Health Go Hand-in-Hand for American Heart Month

By Dr. Edleen Sarette-Exama, DNP, MSN RN, Care Coordinator, VNS Health Health Plans  Bronx Voice  February 18, 2025 BRONX - While February is Heart Health Month, given the statistics, heart health should really be a priority all year long.  In New York State alone, almost 18% of adults 65 and older report they have some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and 27% of all deaths are the result of CVD. And here’s another alarming fact: While many factors can increase the chances of cardiovascular disease and stroke, people with diabetes have twice the chance of developing CVD compared to the population as a whole. As a registered nurse and care manager at the home- and community-based health care nonprofit VNS Health, I work with individuals who often suffer from multiple chronic illnesses. Diabetes in particular is  common, especially among people of color. Diabetes is a challenging disease to manage, and it can fee...

Gunman Sentenced in Ambush Shooting of Alberto DeJesus

Fight at Food Truck Led to Murder of Innocent

Alberto DeJesus was fatally shot for a fight the victim was not involved in.

By Dan Gesslein 

Bronx Voice 

October 7, 2022 

BRONX - The gunman who stalked and fatally shot a Bronx man, following a dispute the victim was not involved in, will spend the next two decades in prison.


Prosecutors announced the sentencing of Tujuan Ford to 21 years in prison for the fatal shooting of Alberto DeJesus. Ford, 25, had pled guilty to manslaughter in connection with the shooting. 

Shot, Slashed by Scooter Rider 

Scooter Shooter Sought by NYPD

On June 30, 2019, Ford had gotten into a fight with a group of men outside a food truck on East 149th Street and Southern Boulevard. Prosecutors said DeJesus was with the group but was not part of the fight. 

DeJesus left the group and went to a nearby building on Avenue of St. John. Ford followed and shot him at the building. 

DeJesus collapsed in the lobby of the building. He died a short time later at Lincoln Hospital.

“The defendant initially got into a fight with a group of people," said Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark. "After they dispersed, he went to a building where the opposing group retreated to and opened fire. He shot the victim — who was not part of the fight — four times, killing him and putting all surrounding neighbors at risk.”

DeJesus’ death set off a wave of protests in community. By all accounts the victim was a good man killed by violence he had nothing to do with. At the time neighbors compared his murder to that of Lesandro “Junior”Guzman-Feliz - the teen who was stabbed to death by a group of gang members who wrongly thought he was part of a rival gang.


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