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Addressing Diabetes, Heart Health Go Hand-in-Hand for American Heart Month

By Dr. Edleen Sarette-Exama, DNP, MSN RN, Care Coordinator, VNS Health Health Plans  Bronx Voice  February 18, 2025 BRONX - While February is Heart Health Month, given the statistics, heart health should really be a priority all year long.  In New York State alone, almost 18% of adults 65 and older report they have some form of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and 27% of all deaths are the result of CVD. And here’s another alarming fact: While many factors can increase the chances of cardiovascular disease and stroke, people with diabetes have twice the chance of developing CVD compared to the population as a whole. As a registered nurse and care manager at the home- and community-based health care nonprofit VNS Health, I work with individuals who often suffer from multiple chronic illnesses. Diabetes in particular is  common, especially among people of color. Diabetes is a challenging disease to manage, and it can fee...

Halloween House of Horror - Fatal Stabbing in Bronx

The carnage of a fatal stabbing inside a Bronx building on Halloween night. -Social Media Photo

By Dan Gesslein 

Bronx Voice 

November 2, 2022 

BRONX - Police on Halloween walked in to what looked like a scene from a horror movie with blood soaked walls and floors in the hallway of a Bronx building. Cops say the building’s super was fatally stabbed by a tenant. 

Gruesome photos on social media documented the carnage on Halloween night of a fatal stabbing inside 423 East 136th Street. Christopher Cook, 38, was rushed to Lincoln Hospital with a stab wound. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital. 

Tenant James Akerson, 53, was arrested and charged with murder, manslaughter and criminal posession of a weapon. 

Akerson was treated for stab wounds on both his arms before being charged with murder. 

Cops say the building's super, Christopher Cook, was fatally stabbed during an argument with a tenant on Halloween.

The NY Daily News is reporting that an argument over bedbugs is what led to the fatal stabbing.

Cook had allegedly previously confronted Akerson for the tenant bringing furniture he found on the street back to his room. Cook was concerned this would infest the building with bedbugs. Neighbors claim the super and tenant were constantly arguing over such issues in the building. 

At around 7:40 pm on Halloween night tenants called 911 after they heard loud arguing and then what sounded like two men throwing each other against walls. When police arrived they found the walls streaked in blood and a pool of blood by the door. They found Cook with a stab wound to the chest and Akerson with cuts on his arms. 

Cops say both Cook and Akerson had previous criminal records. They both moved into the Mott Haven building around the same time in 2020.


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